Secondly, our team have many years of experience in building successful sales channels and sales teams, and we can embed ourselves part time within your sales and business development functions should you wish. This helps customers reduce the risks and costs of recruitment.
We can combine a business development strategy with service growth demands, which help you to minimise investments and risk. i.e. we can help foster the new business opportunities which help fund the service provisions and eventual scaling of your cybersecurity service.
We often start by assessing your cyber sales and pre-sales technical capabilities, and show you exactly how we can increase your wallet share with your clients to include increased cybersecurity services. Rather than just a 'lead-gen' service we 'teach you how to fish' and help you transform your managed service sales team into a managed security services business unit, obsessed with customer excellence and providing repeatable, profitable long-term sustainable business in cybersecurity.
In addition, we can provide project management, service delivery management, reporting and other post sales support functions which help you identify even more new sales opportunities within your fully managed clients, continually enhancing your reputation within your client, which reinforces your relationships.
Think you now want a second opinion on your current capabilities?
We can start off by helping you with a free initial consultation. During this initial engagement we gather information in confidence to understand where you are currently, where you want to get to, and how we can help you overcome any challenges you might face in getting there. Any recommendations or solutions we propose will be made by mutual arrangement and agreement.