Security Foundry offers a purpose built external Dashboard Executive Reporting & Scanning Service, developed in house, called
It is counter-intuitive to cut back on critical IT investments in cyber security at precisely the time the world is seeing a significant uptick in crime and disruption.
Your business simply will not survive on a ‘fingers crossed’ security strategy. You need to ensure all your devices are patched and updated and you haven't left any easy doors open across your network allowing potential breaches.
Cyber criminals only need to be lucky once, you need to be lucky every day. In short, you need Infinisight.
With ease of use and ease of reporting in mind we designed and built a brand-new platform that could be used to strengthen a company's first line of defence. Our platform requires no infrastructure or technology to be set up by yourself and is fully configured and configured remotely by our cyber security experts.
How can I see what is happening across my organisation?
Scan results displayed using Infinisight
include a powerful executive reporting dashboard that helps companies easily translate their data into meaningful insights.
The dashboard has the capability to take all types of data from multiple systems, applications and security tools and present a company with a complete bird’s eye view of their cybersecurity threat landscape.
Information is displayed visually, highlights vulnerabilities, ranks them in order of criticality and recommends remedial actions. All the work is done for you remotely and if you need to speak to someone you can simply log a call with our SOC cyber analysts.